Saturday, October 14th
6:30am: Depart for the four hour car ride.
10:30am -12:00pm: Visit the Hungerford Building for their monthly open studio. Wander the vast wooden hallways lined with all manner of artists' studios. There are music and dance studios, and even a Buddhist temple. Many of our Pastel Society of Western New York friends have studios there, so will get to meet them. We can also be inspired by the classroom/workshop facilities located in the Hungerford Building.
12:00 -1:15pm: Lunch
1:15 - 3:00pm: Stock up on supplies at Rochester Fine Art Supply store
3:00pm: Meet up with our PSWNY friends for a coffee/snacks prior to hitting the road
4:00pm: Depart for home.
Those of you interested in this fun road trip let Virginia know and we'll determine how many vehicles we'll need to take.